Thames Side Printing Studio 
Creating a new guide and set of instructions with Nick Richards, Senior Print Studio Technician. In this project, we decided to convert a booklet of 10 pages full of information into a small, well-illustrated and informative steps of how to set up a small Rochat Etching Press, as there will be times where the press needs to be rest from the start and this booklet is the guide to help anyone to rest the press only and when in doubt of the pressure setting. 
Notes and Instructions ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Creating Simple Vector Illustrations 
How to set up a small Rochat Etching Press 
// Layout 
How to set up A large Rochat Etching Press
This leaflet was printed by hand, Silkscreen printing, as it's cost-effective and it keeps to aesthetics of the studio, who are a printing studio. 
100 How to Guides were printed with 3 primary colours and a black colour ink system. 
I, as a designer, wanted to create a leaflet so it's easy and compact to take around the studio or be kept in the printmaker's lockers or journals. What we also did was laminated the leaflet as its double-sided meaning that one can always be kept on the Rochet printing press.  
Printed Leaflets 
Demonstration of the printmakers putting the instructions guides to use.  
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