An underground world, where humans only rely on the machine. 
Made by them, Isolating them, 
as the machine fails, so do the people.

The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster in 1909, is a science fiction short story of 12,300 words, about a dystopian world that derived from the insurgent of technology and its downfall, predicting today's new technologies such as instant messaging and the internet. The novel is set in a post-apocalyptic world where life solely exists underground, with the heavily reliance on a giant machine to facilitate our human needs. 
The aim of this project was to redesign the short story, into a new book giving it a new life, with typographic experiments to enhance the reading experience in a fun and exciting way that reflects the context of the story.
There are 3 Chapters: 
1. The Air-ship  
2. The Mending Apparatus 
3. The Homeless 
Looking at the characteristics and physicality of the machine, I decided to look into the traditional methods of printing and becoming the machine itself by screen printing the entire short story. This method came with many problems but because of the nature of screen printing, I was pleased with the errors that silk screen printing provided and it suited the contexts of the novel. 
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